For 2nd Attempt at LCDC Exam

Study guide for LCDC exam

115 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What counseling theories focused on unfinished business from the past and the here and now?
Gestalt - This therapy uses open-ended questions and the promotion of characteristics such as genuine-ness, unconditional positive regard and several similiar characteristics to enhance the group process. It uses personal characteristics such as empathy, unconditional positve regard and several others.
A vocabulary of counseling theories help counselors communicate with clients and other staff better. Which statement is true?
The id is the force of our personality utilized to obtain goals. - The id is a personality force that unconsciously monitors the pleasure center whose goal is to obtain pleasure and avoid pain.
Denial is a defense mechanism that utilizes forces in our personality to override a belief. Which force (id, superego or ego) is most likely used for individuals to continue drinking or drugging?
The id operates on the reality principle. - The id unconsciously controls your pain center. It is a principle part of our personality and its main role is to avoid pain and obtain pleasure.
Addiction may be better understood be defining:
Physical dependence, tolerance, and psychological dependence.
True or False: A physical withdrawal reaction is when someone stops drinking/smoking/using and the body has developed physical dependence.
When a person takes the same dose of a drug over a period of time and finds that they get less and less of the effect they expect, we call this:
True or False: Psychological dependence causes drug users to seek out more of the drug (drug seeking behavior)
True or False: A first time user who took the same heroin dose as a user who had built up a heavy tolerance to a drug might overdose.
Denial is:
A powerful defense mechanism, a method addicts use to resist admitting their problem, and a major obstace in the road towards recovery.
Concerning addictions, scientists:
Are baffled why one person can drink and the next can't, are conducting research into what causes addictions, and have developed theories of what causes addictions.
What are some of the different theories of what may contribute to addictions?
Genetic factors, environmental factors, relationship with emotional disorders, medicating life's pains
True or False: Research has shown that children of alcoholics, even those taken to non-drinking families at birth, are prone to becoming alcoholics in later life, if they start drinking.
Environmental factors shown to have value as predictors of substance use, abuse, and/or addiction are:
Parents who drinking and/or use and having friends who drink and/or use.
True or False: Anxiety disorders and depression, as well as childhood hyperactivity when joined with conduct disorder or signs of antisocial personality disorder, HAVE NOT shown to increase vulnerability to alcohol and/or other drug use.
True or False: When researchers say that some people might use alcohol or other drugs to medicate the pain, they are talking about the pain of psychological disorders or the pain of a disordered life.