Food Safety


41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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5 Most Common Risk Factors
1. Purchasing from unsafe suppliers2. Failing to cook adequately3. Holding at incorrect temps4. contaminated equipment5. poor hygiene
FAT TOM- what pathogens need to grow
Food- pathogens need proteins and carbohydrates to growAcidity- need little or no acid to grow
Temperature- danger zone 41-135
Time- 4 or more hours in temp danger zone
Oxygen- can grow with or without
oisture- need moisture in food
Common Unsafe Foods
-milk and dairy -fish and shellfish-eggs -rice and beans-soy -vegetables-baked potatoes -tofu-meat -sprouts-melons and tomatoes-untreated oil and garlic mixtures
-can survive cooler/freezer temps-cant grow in food-grow in intestines-contaminate water and food**Hep A and Norovirus**
-temp (keep out of temp danger zone)-growth (FATTOM)-forms (spores)-toxin production
Food Safety Hazards
Biological- pathogens, viruses, fungi, parasites, bacteria
Chemical- chemical contamination
Physical- foreign objects (ex:hair)
Foodborne Illness
Definition- a disease transmitted to people by food
-an outbreak is when 2 or more people get the same disease after eating the same food-high risks: elderly, infants/toddlers, pregnant women, cancer/aids/hiv/chemo/transplant patients
Norovirus gastroenteritis(Norovirus-virus)
-contagious -found in feceslinked to: -ready to eat food-shellfish from contaminated watersymptoms:-vomiting-diarrhea-nausea-abdominal crampsprevention:-wash hands-purchase from reputable suppliers-restrict employee work-minimum bare-hand contact with ready to eat food
Hepatitis A (Hepatitis A-virus)
-found in feces-many not show symptoms-cooking won't destroylinked to:-ready to eat food-shellfish from contaminated watersymptoms:-fever-nausea-weakness-jaundice-abdominal painprevention:-approved suppliers-wash hands-restrict employee work-minimum bare-hand contact
Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis(clostridium perfringens-bacteria)
-forms spores-found in soil-doesn't grow in refrigerated temps-carried in human/animal intestineslinked to:-meat-poultry-stews/graviessymptoms:-diarrhea-severe abdominal painprevention:-cool/reheat correctly-hold food correctly
Hemorrhagic colitis(Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli- bacteria)
-found in cattle intestines-produces toxins in intestines-bacteria in feceslinked to:-ground beef-contaminated producesymptoms:-diarrhea-abdominal cramps-kidney failureprevention:-cook to minimum internal temp-purchase from reputable suppliers-prevent cross contamination-restrict employee works
Listeriosis(Listeria monocytogenes-bacteria)
-found in soil, water, plants-grows in cool, moist environmentslinked with:-raw meat-unpasteurized dairy products-ready to eat food (meat, cheese)symptoms:-miscarriage-sepsis-pneumonia-meningitisprevention:-throw out expired food-cook meat to min internal temp-prevent cross contamination
Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis (Bacillus cereus-bacteria)
-spore forming bacteria-found in soil-2 different virusesDIARRHEA viruslinked to:-cooked vegetables-meat-milksymptoms:-watery diarrheaVOMITING viruslinked to:-cooked rice-rice puddingsymptoms:-nausea-vomitingPREVENTIONS:-cook to min internal temp-hold food at right temp-cool food correctly
-defined as harmful microorganisms-FATTOMtypes:virusesbacteriaparasitesfungi
Botulism(Clostridium botulinum-bacteria)
-form spores found in soil and water-dont grow well in, highly acidic food, and low moisture food-can grow without oxygen-deathlinked to:-incorrectly canned food-reduced oxygen packaged food-temp-abused veggies-baked potatoes-untreated garlic and oil mixturessymptoms:-nausea/vomiting-weakness-double vision-difficulty speaking/swallowingprevention:-hold, cool, reheat food correctly-inspect cans for damage