1) Flashcards

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28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Closing arguments in the trial of France's top Roman Catholic prelate.
Plaidoiries finales
The State calling for Lyon Archbishop Philippe Barbarin and five others
to be cleared of covering up
D'être blanchis
For a priest who's alleged
to have preyed over decades on boy scouts.
S'attaqué à
One attorney
For the plaintiffs called Cardinal Barbarin
A "liar" in his closing statements.
"What really bothers me is that
Me dérange
on top of simply not denouncing these sexual assaults,
En plus de
The accused turned to a religious authority to ask for advice,
They were meant to go straight to the judicial authorities of our country,
Se rendre directement
Which form the basis of our rule of law and of our Republic."
État de droit
Let's cross live to Lyon
Maintenant en direct
Where that trial is happening