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14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Because he said Kim wanted total sanctions relief
allègementbecause he said Kim wanted total sanctions [allègement]
"Basically, they wanted
en gros"[En gros], they wanted
The sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn't do that.
levéesthe sanctions [levées] in their entirety and we couldn't do that.
But perhaps the most important leverage Trump holds in nuclear negotiations
moyen de pressionBut perhaps the most important [moyen de pression] Trump holds in nuclear negotiations
But it was above and beyond what was acceptable
bien au-delàbut it was [bien au-delà] what was acceptable
An attempt to nurture a friendship with Kim to gain concessions.
nourriran attempt to [nourrir] a friendship with Kim to gain concessions.
His personal charm offensive is not adequate to bring about denuclearization."
entraînerhis personal charm offensive is not adequate to [entraîner] denuclearization."
The North Korean leader made a broad commitment
s'est engagé ouvertementthe North Korean leader [s'est engagé ouvertement]
To work towards complete denuclearization.
versto work [vers] complete denuclearization.
The negotiations leading up to the summit
précédantThe negotiations [précédant] the summit
On its long-standing demand that Pyongyang first
de longue dateon its [de longue date] demand that Pyongyang first
In doing a step-by-step phased approach with North Korea,
progressivein doing a step-by-step [progressive] approach with North Korea,
This all-or-nothing approach was not going to be effective."
efficaceThis all-or-nothing approach was not going to be [efficace]."
But analysts say it may be time for staff-level negotiators
professionnelsbut analysts say it may be time for [professionnels] negotiators