Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Front Back
Copy an area
Ctrl + C
Cut an area
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + V
Transpose Columns and Rows
Ctrl + V, Ctrl, T
Paste Values Only (Convert Formulas to Values)
Ctrl + V, Ctrl, V
Paste Values and Number Formating
Ctrl + V, Ctrl, A
Jump to the bottom of the column of data
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Jump to the top of the column of data
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Jump to the left end of a row of data
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Jump to the right end of a row of data
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Jump to cell A1
Ctrl + Home
Jump to last cell used
Ctrl + End
Highlight or select the column of data below the selected cell
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Highlight or select the column of data above the selected cell
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Highlight or select the row of data to the left of the selected cell
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow