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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Roma has secured no fewer than ten Oscars nominations.
a remportéRoma [a remporté] no fewer than ten Oscars nominations.
The film is nominated in no less than ten categories including the most coveted ones:
les plus convoitéesthe film is nominated in no less than ten categories including [les plus convoitées]:
Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress in a leading role for Yalitza Aparicio
meilleur film[meilleur film], Best Director and Best Actress in a leading role for Yalitza Aparicio
She was one of the film's breakout stars,
stars naissantesShe was one of the film's [stars naissantes],
Roma also owes its success to the way it portrays domestic strife
représenteRoma also owes its success to the way it [représente] domestic strife
And social hierarchy amid political turmoil.
bouleversement politiqueand social hierarchy amid [bouleversement politique].
It mirrors the social climate today
reflèteit [reflète] the social climate today
And the class struggle.
lutte des classesand the [lutte des classes].
Whether we like it or not, we're all connected, sharing a space and time,
qu'on le veuille ou non[qu'on le veuille ou non], we're all connected, sharing a space and time,
And when we finally choose to embrace that connection,
accepterand when we finally choose to [accepter] that connection,
Of justifying its status as a force to be reckoned with in the world of cinema:
redoutableof justifying its status as [redoutable] in the world of cinema:
With several awards under its belt,
à son actifWith several awards [à son actif],
Netflix has now joined the big leagues of movie production.
la cour des grandsNetflix has now joined [la cour des grands] of movie production.