Define These Wages & Compensation Management Flashcards

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Analytical methods
They identify characteristics of the job that are valued by the organization and assess the degree to which they are present in the job
Base pay
Hourly, weekly or monthly amount paid to an employee if they conform to the terms of their contract
Direct pay
The financial element of the reward package received by the employee in the form of cash, cheque or direct deposit
External comparison
The amount or range of pay for each job based on an examination of the pay practices of competitors
Trust-inducing pay systems that are accepted by employees because differences in pay are based on a fair assessment of job characteristics
Indirect pay or benefits
These have a financial value but are rewarded to employees in forms other than cash
Internal alignment
The hierarchy of the relative value of jobs within an organization
Job evaluation
A technique used by organizations to establish the relative worth of jobs
Non-analytical methods
Whole jobs are compared to determine the organization’s internal pay structure
Nonfinancial rewards
A wide array of HR policies and practices designed to support employees both in their lives and in their careers
Performance-related pay (PRP)
A form of direct pay linked to the performance of an individual, team or all employees when predefined objectives are achieved
Reward package
The financial and nonfinancial elements offered to an employee in return for labour
Reward system
The combination of financial and nonfinancial elements used by an organization to compensate employees for their time, effort and commitment at work