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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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And yeah Karl Lagerfeld who rejuvenated Chanel when he took over in 1983,
a rajeuniAnd yeah Karl Lagerfeld who [a rajeuni] Chanel when he took over in 1983,
Karl Lagerfeld, a household name, Rudabah Abbass has more.
un nom très connuKarl Lagerfeld, [un nom très connu], Rudabah Abbass has more.
The signature dark glasses,
caractéristiquesThe [caractéristiques] dark glasses,
That earned him the status of "the Kaiser of fashion".
lui ont valuthat [lui ont valu] the status of "the Kaiser of fashion".
In the fashion houses of Balmain,
maisons de couturein the [maisons de couture] of Balmain,
But it was at Chanel that Karl Lagerfeld truly came into his own.
a démontrer sa valeurBut it was at Chanel that Karl Lagerfeld truly [a démontrer sa valeur].
Soon enough, the two intertwined Cs became affiliated with luxury.
entremêlésSoon enough, the two [entremêlés] Cs became affiliated with luxury.
But that didn't leave Karl Lagerfeld resting on his laurels
se reposer sur ses lauriersBut that didn't leave Karl Lagerfeld [se reposer sur ses lauriers]
In 2004, he became the first high-profile
notoirein 2004, he became the first [notoire]
fashion designer to collaborate on a collection with H&M,
couturier[couturier] to collaborate on a collection with H&M,
Karl Lagerfeld launched his own brand, created perfumes, stood out
s'est démarquéKarl Lagerfeld launched his own brand, created perfumes, [s'est démarqué]
As an interior designer
décorateur d'intérieuras an [décorateur d'intérieur]
Loved or loathed, Karl Lagerfeld has left an indelible mark on the history of fashion.
détestéLoved or [détesté], Karl Lagerfeld has left an indelible mark on the history of fashion.