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Thousands of opposition supporters filled the streets of Caracas during the weekend
ont rempliThousands of opposition supporters [ont rempli] the streets of Caracas during the weekend
As Juan Guaidó upped the pressure on the Maduro government.
a fait monter la pressionas Juan Guaidó [a fait monter la pression] on the Maduro government.
Disputed President Nicolas Maduro has blocked most foreign aid
controversé[Controversé] President Nicolas Maduro has blocked most foreign aid
Washington has demanded that Maduro step down
a exigéWashington [a exigé] that Maduro step down
Europe has been less vocal but it is being drawn in.
elle commence à s'impliquer progressivementEurope has been less vocal but [elle commence à s'impliquer progressivement].
That is seeking a political way forward in Venezuela.
solution politiquethat is seeking a [solution politique] in Venezuela.
among the EU member states
parmi[parmi] the EU member states
That have followed Washington's lead.
exemplethat have followed Washington's [exemple].
"The only way out of the political crisis in Venezuela
solution"The only [solution] of the political crisis in Venezuela
The Dutch government has agreed that its overseas territory
territoire d'outre-merThe Dutch government has agreed that its [territoire d'outre-mer]
Of Curaçao, an island off Venezuela,
au large duof Curaçao, an island [au large du] Venezuela,
So, much of the foreign aid is stranded
est bloquéeSo, much of the foreign aid [est bloquée]