Flashcards for Public Speaking

Not cards for test 3 

153 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Presentation Aids
Advantages & Disadvantages of Presentation-Advantages and DisadvantagesTypes of Presentation Aids -People -Objects and Models -Graphics -PicturesPresentation & Media -Flip Chart-Chalk & Marker Bds-Posters-Handouts -transperency Slides -Video tapes, DVD,Audiotapes, -Computer-Assisted PresentationsPreparing Presentations-Principles of Deisng-Principles of Color -Marking Presentation Aids Using Aids Ethical Consideration
Advantages of Presentation Aids
Increase Understanding Makes message memorable Adds AuthenticityImproved speaker credibilityImproves deliveryAdds Variety and Interest
Can distract listernerscan distract speaker reduce eye contact damage cred. if sloppytakes time to preparedepends on equipment avaliability
Types of Presentations Aids
People, Objects, Models, Graphics, and Pictures
Important Consideration-Grooming, Actions, Gestures, Voice, Facial Expressions and demeanor-attire: influences how speech is precieved-Audience as aids -make sure they agree to it and reherse before then
Objects and Models
Displaying objects -Gain attention-Increase understanding -Add authenticity to your speech
Important: Portable and Easily Viewable, keep object out of sight before speaking, make sure it does not upstage you, inanimate objects are important Shocking: audience can cause problems Objects that are: dangerous, illegal, potentially offensive(guns, drugs, or pornography)

Use a replica if something is -rare -expensive-fragile -unavaliable
Visual representaton of information-sketches-maps-charts -textual materials
Simplified versions of what you are talking about -trace if your bad at it
Don't use commercially made one, make your ownuseful for illustrating speeches based on spatial relationships
Can make statistical information easier for listeners to understand-pie chart, bar graphs, line chart,-
Pie chart
Pie chart: compare size of subjects part in relaton to one another and the whole
Bar graph
Comparisons and contrasts between 2 or more items and groupsmay use pictographics or stylized drawing
Line graphs
Changes across time, trends in growth or decline