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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Farmers here in the Republic of Ireland are bracing themselves for turbulence too.
se préparentfarmers here in the Republic of Ireland [se préparent] for turbulence too.
Even if he's working hard to make ends meet.
joindre les deux boutseven if he's working hard to [joindre les deux bouts].
He's inherited these fields in County Wexford,
héritéHe's [hérité] these fields in County Wexford,
I think that pays off in the beef that comes out."
ça en vaut la peineI think [ça en vaut la peine] in the beef that comes out."
Still, the price he's currently getting is disappointing
pourtant[Pourtant], the price he's currently getting is disappointing
The industry is already suffering from Brexit, with uncertainty rising
en hausseThe industry is already suffering from Brexit, with uncertainty [en hausse]
And prices dropping.
en chute libreand prices [en chute libre].
Ever since I was hired,
embauchéEver since I was [embauché],
We've been trying to set foot in the French, Belgian, German, Luxembourg and Dutch markets."
entrer danswe've been trying to [entrer dans] the French, Belgian, German, Luxembourg and Dutch markets."
"A lot of farmers are talking about scaling back
réduire la taille [de leur exploitation]"A lot of farmers are talking about [réduire la taille [de leur exploitation]]
on a high level
Exiting the beef industry altogether.
purement et simplementexiting the beef industry [purement et simplement].
And the fabric of rural Ireland would change in that."
structureand the [structure] of rural Ireland would change in that."