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12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Another Saturday, another Yellow Vest demonstration.
manifestationAnother Saturday, another Yellow Vest [manifestation].
The trademark yellow jackets French keep in their cars,
caractéristiquesthe [caractéristiques] yellow jackets French keep in their cars,
Brave the cold and riot police to come out in force across the country.
CRSbrave the cold and [CRS] to come out in force across the country.
It's not only weekends: last Tuesday, Yellow Vests joined trade unionists
syndicalistesIt's not only weekends: last Tuesday, Yellow Vests joined [syndicalistes]
Lower taxes, restoring the wealth tax
l'impôt sur la fortunelower taxes, restoring [l'impôt sur la fortune]
Over old grievances and newer reforms
injusticesover old [injustices] and newer reforms
"We want the government to be fired, to have a new government because
être renvoyé"We want the government [être renvoyé], to have a new government because
A three-month national debate to air French
exprimera three-month national debate [exprimer] French
Macron's popularity has inched up
a augmenté petit à petitMacron's popularity [a augmenté petit à petit]
From record lows.
son plus basfrom [son plus bas].
But it's unclear where all this talk will lead.
mèneraBut it's unclear where all this talk [mènera].
Some Yellow Vest candidates are running for European Parliament elections in May on several different lists.
se présentent auxSome Yellow Vest candidates [se présentent aux] European Parliament elections in May on several different lists.