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I don't want the issue to tear France appart.
se déchirerI don't want the issue to [déchirer] France.
And single women has been gaining momentum.
s'est amplifiéeand single women [s'est amplifiée].
With a government vowing to change the law, by the end of 2018.
jurant deWith a government [jurant de] change the law, by the end of 2018.
In fact, the issue has fallen very much to the wayside
a été laissée de côtéIn fact, the issue [a été] very much [laissé de côté]
Women of childbearing age are allowed to use it,
en âge de procréerWomen of [en âge de procréer] are allowed to use it,
An estimated two thousand to four thousand French women currently travel abroad each year to undergo the practice,
effectuerAn estimated two thousand to four thousand French women currently travel abroad each year to [effectuer] the practice,
And legalizing postmortem fertilization.
fécondationand legalizing postmortem [fécondation].
Using a surrogate mother, however,
mère porteuseUsing a [mère porteuse], however,
looks set to remain illegal.
semble destiné à[semble destiné à] remain illegal.
Among those taking their dreams of motherhood to Spain, Britain or Belgium are a number of single women, take a look.
maternitéAmong those taking their dreams of [maternité] to Spain, Britain or Belgium are a number of single women, take a look.
Opting to give Medically Assisted Procreation a go.
essayerOpting to [essayer] Medically Assisted Procreation.
prompting her to pay up for the procedure overseas.
l'incitant à[l'incitant à] pay up for the procedure overseas.
With work, home, and child care in close proximity,
garderieWith work, home, and [garderie] in close proximity,
It's how we look after the child, the relationship we have with them."
nous nous occupons deit's how [nous nous occupons de] the child, the relationship we have with them."