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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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“The President consistently said that any wall would be paid for by Mexico.
continuellement“The President [continuellement] said that any wall would be paid for by Mexico.
And so the President, rather than letting things be,
laisser tomberand so the President, rather than [laisser tomber]
It's a move House Republican leadership says
décisionIt's a [décision] House Republican leadership says
The overwhelming problem there,
écrasantthe [écrasant] problem there,
By usurping the power of the purse from Congress.
porte-monnaieby usurping the power of the [porte-monnaie] from Congress.
Will vote out of conscience and concern for the Constitution
en toute conscience et par intérêtwill vote [en toute conscience et par intérêt] for the Constitution
They plan to support the resolution
ont l'intentionthey [ont l'intention] to support the resolution
When the Senate takes up consideration in March.
l'examinerawhen the Senate [l'examinera] in March.
"This is not about whether or not you support
si"This is not about [si] or not you support
That are laid out in the Constitution."
énoncéesthat are [énoncées] in the Constitution."
Whatever tool he thinks he has to address it."
s'en occuperwhatever tool he thinks he has to [s'en occuper]."
Trump's usually reliable ally admitted
fiableTrump's usually [fiable] ally admitted
But unless a veto-proof majority of senators rebuke the President,
réprimandeBut unless a veto-proof majority of senators [réprimande] the President,