Define Behaviourist Psychology Terms Flashcards

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Semi-permanent change in behaviour resulting from the application of positive and negative reinforcements
The process of absorbing, storing and retrieving learning in the brain through the creation, amendment and structuring of mental schemas
A range of activities leading to the gradual unfolding or growth of an individual and the enhancement of knowledge, skills and experiences over the long term
The acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience through a period of sustained study, often leading to a qualification
Establishing the intended and unintended outcomes of learning and development activities and assessing whether the benefits justify the investment
Experiential learning
The cyclical process of making meaning through reflection and experience
Human resource development (HRD)
The provision of learning, development and training opportunities to improve individual, team, organizational and societal effectiveness
A range of formal, informal or incidental activities leading to a semi-permanent or permanent change in behaviour which can contribute to individual, team, organizational and societal effectiveness
Strategic human resource development (SHRD)
Learning activities focused on individuals, teams and organizations and aimed at enhancing the alignment of human resources with the strategic goals of the organization
The learning organization
An organization focused on building a learning culture and integrating learning across all levels, systems and employees of the organization
The process of acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform a role effectively