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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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France's President kicks off his campaign for European elections
donne le coup d'envoi deFrance's President [donne le coup d'envoi de] his campaign for European elections
A upheld peace that will be translated
stablea [stable] peace that will be translated
Emmanuel Macron's party yet to unveil
dévoilerEmmanuel Macron's party yet to [dévoiler]
Its slate of candidates
listeits [liste] of candidates
For those European elections that are to be held in May.
doivent avoir lieufor those European elections that [doivent avoir lieu] in May.
Yet, Macron was already in campaign mode Sunday night,
cependant[Cependant], Macron was already in campaign mode Sunday night,
When he granted a prime-time interview from the Elysee Palace
a accordéwhen he [a accordé] a prime-time interview from the Elysee Palace
There, he toned down
a atténuéThere, he [a atténué]
The row with the populist coalition in Rome
disputethe [dispute] with the populist coalition in Rome
That last month sparked
a déclenchéthat last month [a déclenché]
For while he shied away from mentioning the names of Luigi Di Maio and Mateo Salvini,
s'est gardé defor while he [s'est gardé de] mentioning the names of Luigi Di Maio and Mateo Salvini,
Macron nonetheless stayed on message:
est resté sur le sujetMacron nonetheless [est resté sur le sujet]:
"The spirit of the people is coming back. It's a deep-seated spirit.
bien ancré"The spirit of the people is coming back. It's a [bien ancré] spirit.