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13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Clashes broke out in the heart of the capital Port-au-Prince.
ont éclatéclashes [ont éclaté] in the heart of the capital Port-au-Prince.
And the situation grew only more tense
est devenueand the situation [est devenue] only more tense
Burning tires,
pneusBurning [pneus],
looted storefronts, Port-au-Prince resembles a war zone as days of protest have turned violent
vitrines pillées[vitrines pillées], Port-au-Prince resembles a war zone as days of protest have turned violent
Demonstrators are angry
manifestants[Manifestants] are angry
Over reports of alleged corruption
prétendueover reports of [prétendue] corruption
And embezzlement of development money.
détournementand [détournement] of development money.
With discounted oil
pétrolewith discounted [pétrole]
And generous borrowing terms
conditions d'empruntand generous [conditions d'emprunt]
That nearly $2 billion has been misappropriated
détournésthat nearly $2 billion has been [détournés]
In power since 2017, President Moïse is facing the biggest challenge yet to his presidency.
à ce jourIn power since 2017, President Moïse is facing the biggest challenge [à ce jour] to his presidency.
To quail the discontent.
faire tremblerto [faire trembler] the discontent.
As the poorest country in the Caribbean, 60% of Haitians live on less than $2 a day.
vivent avecAs the poorest country in the Caribbean, 60% of Haitians [vivent avec] less than $2 a day.