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12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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AOC AKA (Also Known As) Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez coming home.
aliasAOC [alias] Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez coming home.
Is still firmly in touch with her Bronx base.
en contact avecis still firmly [en contact avec] her Bronx base.
To push the issues forward is if we're unafraid to speak truth to power
faire avancer les chosesto [faire avancer les choses] is if we're unafraid to speak truth to power
And to stick to our guns
rester sur nos positionsand to [rester sur nos positions]
adept at interacting with Americans on social media:
douée pour[douée pour] interacting with Americans on social media:
"Matching pajama sets is key to productivity..."
assorti"[Assorti] pajama sets is key to productivity..."
A relatable approach that helped her win an election
à laquelle on s'identifieA [à laquelle on s'identifie] approach that helped her win an election
AOC is also proficient at calling out her critics on social media:
excellenteAOC is also [excellente] at calling out her critics on social media:
The Democrat regularly pokes fun at Fox News's coverage of her,
se moque dethe Democrat regularly [se moque de] Fox News's coverage of her,
In this tweet for example, pulling to pieces
réduisant en miettesin this tweet for example, [réduisant en miettes]
By reaching out directly to her
s'adressantBy [s'adressant] directly to her
Was asked to share her social media know-how
savoir-fairewas asked to share her social media [savoir-faire]