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This video shot in early February shows a space harpoon
tournéeThis video [tournée] in early February shows a space harpoon
Successfully securing an experimental piece of space junk.
débris spatiauxsuccessfully securing an experimental piece of [débris spatiaux].
It's a proof-of-concept experiment of technology designed to
de validation du conceptIt's a [de validation du concept] experiment of technology designed to
Simon Fellowes is with the Britain-based RemoveDEBRIS Project, which ran the experiment.
a menéSimon Fellowes is with the Britain-based RemoveDEBRIS Project, which [a mené] the experiment.
Bits of space junk if you like, which are left over from previous launches,
restentbits of space junk if you like, which [restent] from previous launches,
And so if two items were to collide,
venaient à entrer en collisionand so if two items [venaient à entrer en collision],
They could be doing speeds of up to 17,000 kilometers an hour."
aller à une vitessethey could be [aller à une vitesse] of up to 17,000 kilometers an hour."
To break up harmlessly in the atmosphere.
se désintégrerto [se désintégrer] harmlessly in the atmosphere.
And it's fired using xpanded gas that drives a piston forward
pousse un piston en avantand it's fired using xpanded gas that [pousse un piston en avant]
And shoots the harpoon out
projette le harponand [projette le harpon]
At a very high rate,
vitesse élevéeat a very [vitesse élevée],
And then latches on to it,
s'accroche à luiand then [s'accroche à lui],
The team is also testing a net that will wrap up debris for capture.
filetThe team is also testing a [filet] that will wrap up debris for capture.