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And researchers here are harvesting some of her eggs,
prélèventand researchers here [prélèvent] some of her eggs,
Trying to perfect their technique for fertilizing and
fécondertrying to perfect their technique for [féconder] and
Reimplanting eggs into surrogate rhino moms.
mères porteusesreimplanting eggs into rhino [mères porteuses].
The hard trial for going to Kenya and do procedure with the northern white rhinos there."
testthe hard [test] for going to Kenya and do procedure with the northern white rhinos there."
Both female and unable to breed.
se reproduireBoth female and unable to [se reproduire].
All these tests are dry runs to perfect the process
répétitionsAll these tests are [répétitions] to perfect the process
So I hope there will be number of ovocytes that we harvest that would be around 10
ovocitesso I hope there will be number of [ovocites] that we harvest that would be around 10
They've learned how to successfully fertilize those eggs outside the womb.
utérusThey've learned how to successfully fertilize those eggs outside the [utérus].
The sticking point now is successfully implanting those fertilized eggs back into a rhino.
point de frictionThe [point de friction] now is successfully implanting those fertilized eggs back into a rhino.
Very effective technique
efficacevery [efficace] technique
With sperm preserved from northern whites.
conservéwith sperm [conservé] from northern whites.
If the experiment works, it could have implications for repopulating other big endangered species.
menacées d'extinctionIf the experiment works, it could have implications for repopulating other big [menacées d'extinction] species.