1) Flashcards

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30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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For more than two decades at the helm,
Aux commandes
The Carlos Ghosn era is well and truly over at Renault.
Bel et bien terminée
From his Tokyo jail where he's been since November,
Ghosn tendering his resignation hours before the naming
Donne sa démission
Of a two-headed management team at the French auto giant:
Michelin President Jean-Dominique Senard takes the board chair,
Direction du conseil d'administration
While Renault's current Chief Operating Officer, Thierry Bolloré, is confirmed in his post.
Directeur Général
Carlos Ghosn, its long-time chief executive and chairman is gone.
To replace him, the car-maker
Constructeur automobile
split those responsibilities between two men:
A réparti
And Jean-Dominique Senard, the new chairman,
Who headed until recently
tire maker Michelin.
Le fabriquant de pneus
There will also be a second essential task, which will be to engage myself quickly
In the ongoing talks with the alliance
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