1) Flashcards

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45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
For decades, Antwerp, in Belgium, had a virtual monopoly
Over the world's diamond market, but in the face of international competition,
Face à
The Flemish city is losing its shine.
Perd de son éclat
Today, there's around 500 stone cutters
Tailleurs de pierres
A heavily guarded street with military and police presence 24 hours a day.
Lourdement gardée
Welcome to Antwerp's Diamond Square Mile.
Quartier des Diamantaires
Everyday, thousands of stones come in and out of this building.
This package has just arrived and it must pass by the import-export customs office.
Bureau des douanes
At this price, the goods are subject to heavy security measures.
We cannot film the face of the client nor that of the experts.
The check takes place
under the watchful eye of a Belgian government representative.
Sous l'oeil attentif
This procedure is being reenacted in an office
next door.
à côté
Has been organized for a European television channel.