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12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Friends with a lot of valuable personal data,
de grande valeurFriends with a lot of [de grande valeur] personal data,
Which the company uses for targeted advertising.
publicité cibléewhich the company uses for [publicité ciblée].
For critics, that's one of Facebook's drawbacks.
inconvénientsFor critics, that's one of Facebook's [inconvénients].
The advertisers pay us money,
annonceursthe [annonceurs] pay us money,
Companies, corporations or individuals who have used the platform maliciously
avec malveillanceCompanies, corporations or individuals who have used the platform [avec malveillance]
To spread
répandreto [répandre]
hatred, fake news and collect information to manipulate users.
haine[haine], fake news and collect information to manipulate users.
Senate figures show 126 million users
chiffresSenate [chiffres] show 126 million users
"But it's clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well.
empêcher de"But it's clear now that we didn't do enough to [empêcher] these tools [de] being used for harm as well.
And that goes for fake news, for foreign interference in elections and hate speech,
concerneAnd that [concerne] fake news, for foreign interference in elections and hate speech,
As well as developers and data privacy."
confidentialité des donnéesas well as developers and [confidentialité des données]."
As Facebook hits 15
atteintAs Facebook [atteint] 15