1) Flashcards

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31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Because of warmer summers,
Plus chauds
France's most prestigious clarets have been getting stronger.
Rouges de Bordeaux
And sounds the alarm of arising temperatures,
En hausse
He replicated Bordeaux's future weather conditions
Conditions météorologiques
And for the French iconic wine, an ever warming climate doesn't bode well.
Ne présage rien de bon
Though we come from the freshness and the elegance to the jammy,
overripe fruit.
Trop mûr
The Bordeaux of the future has a very different taste.
The whole industry: fourteen thousand wine growers,
Which is particularly vulnerable to hotter temperatures.
Plus chaudes
The wine grower Philippe Bardet is already bracing for what's to come,
Se prépare déjà
"Now we've understood that in hot areas, where grapes ripen prematurely,
Well, we ought to plant more Cabernet sauvignon
instead of Merlot."
à la place de