Flags AR 600-25 and AR 840-10

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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On post, where is building number 1 located?
At the base of the flag pole.
Other than Garrison, Post, Field, Storm and Internment flags, name the other types of military flags.
Colors - These are flags of organizations and certain civilian and military officials.Standards - Flags of mounted units were formerly called standards.Distinguished flags - These flags identify headquarters, offices, general officers, and organizations, non of which is authorized organizational or individual Colors.Continued...
...Continued from Question # 2 Ohter than Garrison, Post, Field, Storm and Internment flags, name the other types of military flags.
Ensigns - An ensign is a rectangualr flag flown from aircraft, ships, and boats.Guidons - A guidon is a swallow-tailed flag carried by companies, batteris, troops and certain detachments.Pennants - a pennant is a triangular flag used for various utility purposes.
How is the fllag flown on Memorial Day?
At half-mast till noon, then from noon until retreat sounds, it is at full staff.
When the flag is flown at night, what must be done?
The flag must be illuminated.
What date was the Army flag dedicated?
14 June 1956 (it was approved 12 June 1956).
When a President or Past President dies, how long is the flog flown at half-mast?
30 days.
How is the flag draped over the casket?
So the stars are over the left shoulder.
How many stripes does the American flag have?
13 stripes (7 red and 6 white).
What is the difference between the National Colors and the National Flag?
The national Colors is trimmed on 3 sides with golden yello fringe.
What do the colors on the flag represent?
Red - Hardiness and ValorWhite - Purity and InnocenceBlue - Vigilance, Preservation and Justice
When Military personnel die, the flag is presented to the beneficiar; who provides the flag?
The Postmaster General.
When the national flag is worn out, how is it disposed of?
The section of the flag with the stars is cut from the flag and then both peices are burned together.
What are the 2 ways the flag can be displayed?
1. Flat 2. Hanging free
Who is traditionally responsible fo the safeguarding, care and display of the unit's colors?
The Command Sergeant Major