Financial Accounting (exam 2)

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Front Back
Purpose of Internal Controls
1. safeguarding company's assets

2. Improve accuracy & reliabilty of accounting info.
Control Activities
1.detective controls

2. preventive controls
Detective Controls
Detect erros on fraud that already occurred
Preventive Controls
Keep fraud and erros from happening
Bank Reconciliation
Connects company's cash balance to bank balance (by identifying differences due to timing and errors
Items on book side of bank reconciliation require:
Journal entries

(Bank side doesnt)
Accounts Recievables
-amounts colletible from customers
Uncollectible Accounts

(2 Methods)

-direct write off
Allowence Method
-best way to estimate bad debts

-records uncollectible accounts based on compnay's collection expense.
% of sales
Income statement approach
Aging of recievables
Balance sheet approach
Direct write off method
Records expense when specific account is determined to be uncollected
Notes Recievables
A written promise to pay sum at specific date (more formal)

also called promisory notes!
Gross Profit formula
Gross Profit= Sales Revenure - cost of goods sold
Inventory costing methods (4)

3. Average

4. Specific Unit