Film 100 Final

For Tuesdays Film 100

130 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Francis Ford Coppola
Enrolled in UCLA Film Program aged 21
Aged 21 he also worked
For Roger Corman
Aged 30
Formed American Zoetrope
Aged 32
Won Academy Award for Best Secreen play Patton
Aged 55
Considered Patriarch of the film school generation
Before Francis Ford Coppola directed The Godfather
Many other directors (12) had turned it down
Coppola almost
Lost his job in the first few weeks of filming
FFC alway envisioned
Brando as the Don
Brando's opening scene
One of the most dramatic in scene in movie history
FFC "for me the toll both scene inspired by
Dean Tavoularis and Arther Penn's Bonie and Clyde"
FFC "why not have my father get his break
So he can write the music"
All films by FFC before The Godfather
Lost money!
12 other directors
Turned down The Godfather before FFC offered it.
FFC almost fired
5 times
Gordon Willis
Director of Photography