Field Based Data Model

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Field based model: describes the world as a collection of spatial distributions of phenomena Field based data: - Raster graphics: Theme based graphics with a matrix of cells representing the variables in all the location - Digital Elevation Model: a grid of squares with elevation values (height-map) or a as a vector-based triangulated irregular network - Satellite Image: remote sensing data
Field Based Model
Field-based data model: every point in space is represented, so we must store infinite data Solution: sample the data and make some assumption about the behaviour of the variable between sample points
Field Based Data model
Selecting discrete objects from a continuous surface
Sampling: Regular and Irregular
A method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points: i.e. make some assumptions about the behaviour of the variable between sample points
  • Linear
  • Polynomial
  • Spline
Interpolation types
Finding an interpolated value at a given point based on distance squared weighting of the values of nearest data points
Inverse Distance Weighting
  • Tessellation: cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no overlaps or gaps. AKA Tiling
  • Regular Tessellation: a pattern made by repeating a regular polygon
  • Irregular Tessellation: a pattern made by some irregular shapes.
Regular and Irregular Tessellation
GIS almost exclusively use square-based tessellations - regular gird model Features of regular grid model:
  • Coordinate system: origin, region
  • Rows and columns with cells
  • Grid is both spatial and attribute data
Example of this is the lab excercise: Landcov
Regular Grid Model - Raster Data
  • Irregular tessellation: a tessellation for which the participating polygons are not all regular and equal
  • TIN (Triangulated Irregular Networks) is the most commonly used irregular tessellations in GIS's elevation model.
  • The irregularity of a TIN Allows the resolution to vary over the surface, capturing finer details where required
How to determine the triangulation?
Irregular tessellated representations & TIN
How to estimation the z value at every location?-- an interpolation problem Three points to define a plane:αx+ βy+ γz+ δ= 0
TIN convert to regular tessellation
Given a set of points of P (e.g. elevation survey points), a triangulation of P is a planar subdivision of the convex hull of P into triangles with vertices from P. Which triangulation should we use?
Triangular: What And Which?
Delaunay triangulation: constituent triangles in a Delaunay triangulations are "as near equilateral as possible" Proximal polygon: A region R around a point p with the property that every location in R is nearer to p than to any other point Voronoi diagram: the dual of a Delaunay triangulations
Delaunay Triangulation
Given an initial point set P (Suppose no sets of three points are collinear to avoid degenerate cases):
  • The Delaunay triangulations is unique
  • The external edges of the triangulation from the convex hull of P (i.e. the smallest convex set containing P)
Properties of Delaunay triangulations
A Simple DT construction method:
  • First, constructing the Voronoi polygons
  • Second, connecting all adjacent polygon centres
  • Third, connect the convex hull of points
Constructing Delaunay Triangulations
Constructing Delaunay Triangulations manually – 3 & 4