Depression in Human Throughout Phases of Life Flashcards

Here is the set of flashcards of Various Hidden Depression in Human Throughout Phases of Life. Learn and explore everything about the Various Hidden Depression in Human Throughout Phases of Life with these quiz based flashcards.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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You lost your first baby tooth.
What emotion do you feel?
How does your body feel?
You found out that a friend was saying mean things about you to a classmate.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You are stuck on a hard problem in math, and you want to get your homework done so you can play your new video game.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
Your Mom says that you can invite a friend to sleep over on the weekend.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You are going into a new school for the first time.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You lost your new jacket at the park.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You made a new friend who likes to play the same things that you do.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You are in your bed at night, and suddenly you hear a huge clap of thunder that shakes your whole house.
What emotion to you feel?How does your body feel?
You have to stand up and give a speech you memorized to the whole school.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You have to tell Mrs. Smith that you lost a new library book.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
Your parents forgot that they promised you could go to the movies with a friend, and don't get home from shopping in time to take you there.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You said something mean to your friend, and now she won't talk to you.
What emotion to you feel?How does your body feel?
You wake up on a school morning and your mom says, "You can go back to sleep. It's a snow day today."
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
A bigger student on the bus knocked into you hard, and then said "Hey, why don't you little kids watch where you're going?"
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?
You are out exploring in the woods with a friend, when you hear a large animal growl in the bushes close by.
What emotion do you feel?How does your body feel?