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Lifespan Development
Continues through life
3 Interrelated areas of Lifespan development
Physical, cognitive, psychosocial
A group of people born around the same time in the same place
Continuous change
Gradual developments where achievements BUILD on previous level
Discontinuous change
Distinct steps, each behavior brings out a different change
Critical period
Time during development where stimuli has its greatest consequences (Long lasting, irreversible consequences)
Sensitive period
Reversible consequences, if stimuli are removed
Any factor that is produced by the predetermined unfolding of genetic information
Freud's psychoanalytic theory
UNCONCIOUS forces act to determine personality and behavior, the unconscious is a part of a person's personality that they are unaware of. i.e. hidden wishes/desires
Freud's 3 components of personality
Id - raw, unorganized inborn part of personality present at birth, pleasure principleego-rational and reasonable, buffer between world and idsuperego-person's conscience, distinctions between right and wrong
Erikson's psychosocial theory
Society and culture shape us
Psychosocial development
Changes in our interactions with and understandings of one another as well as in our knowledge and understanding of us as members of society
Behavioral perspective (SKINNER)
Keys to understanding development are observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment
Operant conditioning
Form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive/negative consequences
Behavior modification
Formal technique of promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones