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-The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibits housing dicrimintation on the baisis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, family status,and national origin-Prohibits disrimination in any aspect of selling or renting or denial of a dwelling to a buyer because of the things I previously mentioned.-President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it into law on April 11, 1968- Bill was denyed for several years by congress.
-I would like to talk about the very name the Fair Housing Act. The name itself is propaganda. It is impossible to oppose something called the Fair Housing Act! You are put under socail pressure to vote for it.-If you opposed it people would call you a racist. Even if you didn't have a racist bone in your body and you just belived in the fundemental right to sell your property to whoever you want, you would be called a racist. It doesn't really matter why you oppose it, but it would make you appear to be a racist.
-In world stuies be learned about the enlightenment. We learned what a great guy John Locke was. He believed that humans have the fundemental rights; life liberty, and property.-Property rights are supposd to be enlightened! So by that logic, wouldn't that mean if you don't oppose this act you are unenlightened?
-The government puts pressure on you that forces you to be in favor of this act, no matter what your views actually are. If you oppose it then you are called a racist even if you aren't in the least.- This takes away your ability to defend what you believe is a fundemental freedom.
-Governments do this all the time. A more recent example is to be opposed to George W Bush's education bill which he called: No Child Left Behind.- It doesn't matter why you would oppose it. However the point is that if you wanted to, you couldn't.-How can you oppose that? It would appear that you wnt to leave dome children behind, hence uneducated!-It's awful how government can use simple propaganda and cause enormous social pressure.
-Just a last thought: couldn't nazi Germany pass a fair housing act? What might that look like?-Fairness is all a matter of perception.