

104 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
Botticelli, Portrait of a Man with a Medal of Cosimo de'Medici (C was a stronghold)
meta portrait, the guy holding it is a random, its faceless alliegance
medal is raised jesso
PPP-Primo PAter Patria 1st among equals, nostalgia creates a mythology of the Medici fam
-propaganda of the benign first family
Question 2
Medals to commemorate the Pazzi Conspiracy against the Medici
grandsoons of Cosimo
assasination attempt on Lorenzo and Giuliano
plan hatched on Easter Sunday w/ help from haters in the Vatican
plan to meet and make ammends onthe way to Easter Mass test to see if theyre wearing armor
In the Cathedrals octagonal choir onthe top of the high altar they attack, G is killed but Lorenzo hides in sacristy
kill all assasins
survivl is a triumphant motif
Question 3
Probably posthumous
He chose to joust for the honour of Simonetta Vespucci (married)

turtle doves mate for life, its a widower bird.. missing Giuliano were his mistress and illegit kid
Question 4
Verocchio, Part bust of Giuliano de'Medici
-chivalric revival
jousting tourneys
Question 5
Florentine Artist, bust of Lorenzo de'Medici
probably off the death mask by Benitendi or Verrocchio

Question 6
Orsino Benintendi, death mask of Lorenzo de'Medici
ater inscrition
metal halo for hanging laurel?
sanctified touch relic
important to hs fams honour
Question 7
Funerary effigies of Dukes Giuliano and Lorenzo de'Medici (sons of the Magnificent and the Unfortunate)
in Michelangelo's New Sacristy in San Lorenzo
-use papal dough to build this shit (Leo X) and added remains of the first Giuliano and Lorenzo to make it intergenerational
effigies are a poetic construction of the personality, Michelangelo figured in 100 yrs no one will remember what they looked like, this is how they saw them
decked out, look ducal, roman revival, imperial power, not a republic,

body language:
Giuliano is alert with nght and day
Lorenzo looks reserved with dusk and dawn
wisdom and power
present in the city
Question 8
Portrait of Alessandro de'Medici by Bronzino
Question 9
Alesandro de'Medici by Vasari
illegit son of Pope Clement VII, who was illegit son of Giuliano
-militant minded
-chute of laurel is the fam line ... had to turn to illegit kids to continue the bloodline
Question 10
Pontormo, Portrait of Alessandro de/Medici
-chill civilian
-courtly figure, being taught to draw
-metalpoint, the kind of portrait of Laura praised by Petrarch
-could be for Taddea Malaspina his mistress if thats who he is drawing Giulias mom)-Petrarchan heritageAllesandro uses metalpoint with stylus, archaic but reference to Laura and Petrarch
Question 11
Bronzino, Portrait of Cosimo as Orpheus
-greatx4 grandad is the brother of Lorenzo the Magnificent
-takes role of the mythic lover
-marriage portrait
-story of Eurydice dying unnattended then he plays lyre for cerebrus but looks, idthces all women killed by nymphs and washes up on lesbos
-impatience, but they didnt think about this ending and thought of him as a great lover
-usingvharms to get out of difficulty
-viola sexua; parts
image for courtly lover, pose like belvedere torso, sexual lyre, power of a sexual kind, just tamed cerebrus, happy late medieval version of the tale
Question 12
Bronzino, Cosimoas Head of State
-laurel appropriation of the original lorenzo line... continuity
-sent out as calling card

Question 13
Pontormo, Portraait of Cosimo the Elder "1 branch goes away, another grows back"
Question 14
Girolamo Macchetti, Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent
roots of this family will always grows back
Question 15
Giorgio Vasari, Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent
posthumous made using busts
"honour is the reward of virtue"
"the vessel of all virtues"
"vices are dominated by virtue"
"wanting my parents ancient glory, I outshown my ancestors' virtue" parent=men
satyr beign killed