

121 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is the quick access tool bar?

You can add emal/Print etc to the bar. It's on the upper left and with a right click it can be dropped below the ribbon.
What is the title bar?
The bar the shows the name of the workbook and it's compatibility.
What are the ten catogories of functions in Excel?
Database and list management. Date and time, engineering, financial, informatoin, logical, lookup and reference, mathematical and trigonometric, stastistical. Text
What speeds up excel calculations?
What is used to trace the path of formula components and check each cell reference that contributes to the formula?
Auditing Tools
What function returns TRUE if all of the arguments are true and false if any are fales?
How do you create and org chart?
Insert Tab/Smart Art button/Hierachy
CTL +F1 =
Collapse/Open Ribbon
Move chart to new worksheet
Design tab - move chart button - select sheet.
What is back stage?
File tab - that holds the file menu.
What is a gallary?
If there is a down arrow on a button on the ribbion that will open a 'gallary' of other stuff.
Mouse over active cells gives a preview.
Where is the name box?
Top Left - the cell location is displayed or you can name a cell or range.

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What is the split bar?
Top of the vertical and hortiz. slider hover and when the cursour changes you can drag horz/Vert split bars into the page and split it up . Delete them by right clicking on them.
How many worksheets in a book?
255 - more depening on version. This is 2010