Excel Lesson 6

Vocabulary from Excel. Lesson 6.

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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What is Ascending Sort?
Data with letters arranged in alphabetical order, with numbers arranged from lowest to highest, and/or data with dates arranged from earliest to latest
What is a note attached to a cell that is usually used to explain or identify information contained in the cell?
What is an AutoFilter?
Menu that displays a list of all the values that appear in that column along with additional criteria and color filtering options
What highlights worksheet data by changing the look of cells that meet a specified condition?
Conditional Formatting
What is Descending Sort?
Arranges data with letters from Z to A, data with numbers from highest to lowest, and data with dates from oldest to newest
What displays a subset of the data that meets certain criteria and temporarily hides the rows that do not meet the specified criteria?
What are Filter Arrows?
Appear in the lower-right corners of the column heading cells and are used to access the AutoFilter menu for that column
What is a cell in a worksheet that opens another file or page when you click it?
What is an object?
Anything that appears on the screen that you can select and work with as a whole
What is a digital photograph or other image file?
What is Research Task Pane?
Provides access to information typically found in references such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias
What is SmartArt Graphic?
Enhance worksheets by providing a visual representation of information and ideas
What is rearranging the data in a more meaningful order
What is Template?
A predesigned workbook file that you can use as the basis or model for a new workbook