ExCCT: Set 17 (Neurological Conditions)

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Pathophys: aneurysm
HTN/genetics--> weakening arterial wall in brain--> bulging spot--> rupture--> vomiting, headache, vision impairment--> increased ICP--> severe AMS/CVA
ASST: aneurysm
Headache, eye pain, visual changes, numbness/ weakness to face, altered LOC, increasing ICP; positive testing: CT/MRI & Cerebral arteriogram
MGT: aneurysm
Support ABCs, do not lower BP unless its >220/115- and then don't lower more than 30%, deliver to neurology; monitor ICP
Pathophys: Wernicke encephalopathy
Thiamine defiency--> glucose metabolism in brain reduced--> increased lactic acid in brain--> eye paralysis, gait instability, AMS
ASST: Wernicke encephalopathy
Hx EtOH abuse or poor nutrition; eye paralysis, gait instability, AMS
MGT: Wernicke encephalopathy
Support ABCs; thiamine administration
Pathophys: TBI
Primary trauma to brain--> cuased by direct blow or penetration--> bleeding/swelling; Secondary trauma to brain--> caused by brain swelling--> compresses brain tissue--> function reduced from damage from swelling
Battles sign/ raccoon eyes/ penetration; hematoma; cushing reflex; AMS; pupil changes; GCS changes; CT (cerebral contusion, epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, concussion)
Prevent secondary injury (prevent hypoxia and hypotension); treat ICP (intubate, raise HOB, mannitol, ICP monitoring); prevent/ treat Sz (phenytoin/ benzos); possible surgery
Pathophys: intracerebral hemorrhage
HTN (and other mechanisms)--> ruptured vessel--> bleeding into brain parenchyma--> swelling, increased ICP, AMS
ASST: intracerebral hemorrhage
Acute onset HA--> stupor-->coma; HTN; bradycardia; abnormal pupils; CT revealing ICH
MGT: intracerebral hemorrhage
Support ABCs; maintain pre-clinical BP; prevent/ treat Sz (phenytoin/ benzos); treat ICP (intubate, raise HOB, mannitol, ICP monitoring); reverse anticoagulation with FFP if needed
Pathophys: Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Ruptured blood vesselin brain--> rapidly fills subarachnoid space with blood--> the patient may experience an intense, sudden headache accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and neck pain--> brain swelling, increased ICP, AMS
ASST: Subarachnoid hemorrhage
'worst HA of life', radiates to neck; nuchal rigidity; photophobia; n/v; AMS
MGT: Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Support ABCs; maintain normal BP; prevent/ treat Sz (phenytoin/ benzos); treat ICP (intubate, raise HOB, mannitol, ICP monitoring); reverse anticoagulation with FFP if needed