State the Correct Psychology Terms Flashcards

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The ____ personality is marked by rigidity, inhibition, prejudice, oversimplification, and ethnocentrism.
As children, authoritarians were usually
Severely punished.
Prejudice that is expressed in a disguised fashion is ____ prejudice.
Which of the following statements regarding symbolic prejudice is/are TRUE?
All of these statements are true.
James is a 70-year-old retired history professor, who has been asked to take over a college class for a week. During his first lecture, James is concerned that any slip in his memory will confirm stereotypes about older people being forgetful. Because he is anxious and preoccupied about possible memory lapses, James actually does have problems with his memory. Psychologist Claude Steele referred to this as
Stereotype threat.
A classroom experiment using eye color to produce prejudice demonstrated that
Status inequalities encourage prejudice.
Prejudice can be reduced by
All of these.
Which of the following statements regarding equal-status contacts is FALSE?
They have been used successful in lab settings but have not been effective in work and school settings.
Which of the following is FALSE concerning methods for reducing prejudice?
Although prejudice was reduced by jigsaw classrooms, it did not improve the children's grades, self-esteem, or attitudes toward school.
With respect to humans, ethnologists like Konrad Lorenz believe that aggression
Is a biologically rooted behavior observed in all animals.