Exam 4 for Practice EPPP

These are the questions i got wrong on my 4th practice exam for EPPP. I got 57% total on the exam.

95 cards   |   Total Attempts: 224

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Test Construction

The Standard Error of Estimate is used to construct a
confidence interval around the predicted criterion score. To calculate the standarderror of estimate, you need information about___________ and the ___________
The standard deviation of the criterion scores and the validity coefficient
As defined by DSM-IV-TR, "primary gain" is a goal offwhich offthe following disorders (Malingering, Factitious, :Somatization Disorder, or Conversion Disorder).
Conversion Disorder.
As defined by Gerald Caplan, the goal consultee-centeredscase consultation is to enhance the consultee’s performance in delivering services to a particular population or group of clients, which can be hindered by a lack of objectivity. Which factor, that is a type of transference, is associated with this lack of objectivity?
Theme Interference
Which off theses structures (diencephalon, midbrain, cerebral cortex, and cerebellum) in the CNS is least well-developed at birth:
The Cerebral Cortex
African-American adolescents who exhibit a "blended bicultural" behavioral pattern:
They view themselves as equally ethnic and American, or possilby MORE American
5. A couple comes to therapy complaining that their conversations always a ends up as arguments. In talking withy the couple, you realize that a common pattern is for one partner to make an offensive comment to the other and for the other partner to responds withy an even more offensive remark. This a pattern off communication is referred to as:
A. Symmetrical Communication (one upsmanship)
5. The assumption that changes in regional cerebral bloods flow corresponds to changes a in neural activity underlies the use of all of the following brain imaging techniques (fMRI, PET, CT, SPEC) except:
A former therapy client calls you and expresses an interest in becoming friends. The former client suggests that you meet at a local restaurant for lunch. You remember that the client shared many of your interests, and that, at the time of therapy, you were aware that he/she was someone you would like to know better. As an ethical psychologist, you:
Do not meet the client for lunch and explain why a friendship would not be in the client's best interests
Research on Helms's white racial identity development model has shown that white therapists are most effective in cross-cultural counseling situations when they are in which stage off identity development:
The Autonomy Stage
For individuals with Autistic Disorder, a disturbance in the pragmatic use of language is manifested by:
An inability to integrate words with gestures
An examinee obtains a T-score of 60 on a test. The raw score distribution for the test is normally shaped, has a mean of 45, and a standards deviation of 5. The examinee's percentile rank is:
84th (3 SD ^ mean)
Studies on concurrent schedules of reinforcement have found that an organism’s relative frequency of responding to one alternative, corresponds to the relative frequency of reinforcement for responses to that alternative. This phenomenon is referred to as:
The matching law
Kahneman and Tversky's (1979) notion off __________ predicts a tendency for a loss of a particular magnitude to seem morel aversive to an individual than a gain of the same magnitude seems attractive
Loss Aversion
In the context of training programs, utility analysis would be used to:
Assess the return-on-investment of the training program.
You are working in a correctional facility and are asked to evaluate a prisoner to determine his a eligibility for parole. In this a situation, you should:
Only agree to do so if you believe it will serve a useful dispositional purpose