Exam #2- Criminal Justice 101

This is a set of flashcards covering Chapters 5-8

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are the four focuses of the Metropolitan Police Act?
1. Prevent crime without repressive force.2. Maintain order without violence3. Reduce conflict between the police and the public4. Show efficiency through absence of crime and disorder.
What is Slave Patrol?
The first modern (formal) police force created in America.
What is a watchman?
Men appointed to help the constable patrol the town at night, put out fires, and enforce criminal law. (Primary means of policing.)
What are the three eras of policing?
1. Political Era (1840-1920)2. Professional Model Era (1920- 1970)3. Community Era (1970- Present)
Who lead and represented the federal policing system in England in1829?
Sir Robert Peel
What is S.T.E.P. enforcement?
When police are stationed in school zones to make certain there are no speeders.
Which Era, as directed by Vickie, offers no job security and why?
The Political Era because police officers were appointed by the Major, which means that once the mayor was misplaced from office, so were those he appointed.
What are the six elements of professional Policing?
1. Force should stay out of politics2. Members should be well trained, disciplined, and tightly organized.3. Laws equally enforced4. Force should use new technology5. Personnel procedures should be based on merit6. The main task of policing is crime-fighting
True or False. A college education and degree is determined to be a factor in one being a better officer candidate.
WHat is the healthiest ratio of officers to supervisors?
5 to 1.
What were the three main issues England faced?
1. Limited Authority2. Fragmentation of Organization3. Local Control
Which Era was in affect when the Prohibition was going on?
The Professional Model Era
Im the 1960's and 70's, which two things changed the color, shape, and size of the police agencies by imposing upon police agencies the need to hire women and minorities to fill the ranks?
1. Civil Rights Movement2. Affirmative Action
What is the difference between the patronage system and the merited system?
Patronage is who you know and who you are associated with. Merited is what you've earned.
What era is where most reform occurs?
The Professional Model Era