Exam 1: Business Driven Technology

This deals with the first exam of andersons isys 201 class

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Competitive advantage
Is a product or service that an organizations customers place a greater value on than similar offerings from a competitor.
-base strategy off of
-temporary. constantly being duplicated.
-as a buyer org. can create a competitive advantave by locating alternative supply sources.
Buyer power
High: buyers have many choices of whom to buy from

low: choices are few.
create competitive ad: reduce BP
Loyalty program
Reward customers based on the amount of business they do with a particular organization

limit buyer power
Demand chain:
Five forces model
Helps determine the relative attractiveness of an industry and includes the following five forces
First mover advantage
Organization can significantly impact its market share by being first to market with competitiveadvantage
Supplier power
High: buyers have few chocies of whom to buy from

low: choices are many
wants buyer power to be low....
Supply chain
All parties indirectly invovled in the procurment of a product or raw material.

an organization will be both a supplier (to customers) and a customer of other supplierz.
Threat of substitute products of services
High: many allternatives to a product

low: few alternatives from which to choose

org. wants to be in market few subs.
Switching costs
Can be done to create a competitive advantage

costs that can make customers reluctant to switch to another product or service
does need a monetary cost
if customer switches, they do not get the discount anymore.
Threat of new entrants
High: easy for new competitors to enter a market

low: significant entry barriers to entering a market
Entry barrier:
Product or service feature that customers have come to expect from or ganizations in a particular industry and must be offered by an entering org. to compete and surive.

free checks, atm machine, drive thru,
Rivalry amoung exisiting competitors
High: competition is firce in market

low: competition is more complacent
Value creation
Organization as a series of processes each of which adds value to the product or serivce for each customer
Primary value activities