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Determine pH using pH meter Aim:
To neutralize two substances through the process of diluting an acid with a base
Determine pH using pH meter:background
Neutralization is a process that occurs when an acid and a base are combined Once they are mixed they create salt and water An acid donates protons and has a ph less then 7. They are sour and are corrosive to metal A base is a proton acceptor and has a pH more then 7. They are bitter and have a slippery texture.
Determine pH using pH meter Materials:
PH meterhydrochloric acidsodium hydroxidepheophlalenone beakerone buretteone burette standdeionized water
Determine pH using pH meterprocedure
Take 10 ml hy. acid in beakerrinse burette with 3-4 mil of NaOh solutiondiscard naoh solution and fill burette with 20 ml of hydroxide solutionadd 3 drops phenolphalen - add 1 ml of hydroxide solution to beaker. Record data - do this 5 times - add approx. .5 ml of hydroxide solution to beaker. Record data - do this 10 times - add approx 1 ml of hy. Solution to beaker - do this 5 times
Determine pH using pH meterresults
Acid base neutalizationphamount of NAOH
Determine pH using pH meterconclusion
Blue--> pink
Base used in lab
Sodium hydroxide
Acid used in lab
Hydrochloric acid
The more ___ there is, the less___ there is
Ph ions, ph
Acid rains ph is less then
Effects of acid rain
Reduced crop productivityaccelerate leaching of nutrients & heavy metalsdissolves distribution pipeskills marine liferespiratory problems in organisms
What is groundwater
Water between soil and rock particles undergroundnon renewable
Two types of aquifers
Contamination of groundwater
Salt water intrusionshuman activity- dumping hazarous wasteco2 userunoffseptic tanks