Essentials of Human Disease and Conditions Chapter 13

On chapter 13, the nervous system

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Whats another word for a CVA?
Explain A CVA?
Brain damage by a sudden disruption in blood flow cause by an embolism, thrombus, hemmorhage.
Whats another name for TIA's?
Mini- strokes
What is a TIA?
Temorary episode with a duration of less than 24 hours of impaired neurologic functioning.
What is the difference between CVA and TIA?
TIA's are temporary and leave no lasting damage
What is an epidural hematoma?
Collection or mass of blood that forms between the skull and the dura mater
What is a subdural hematoma?
The blood collects or pools between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane
What is a cerebral concussion?
Possible bruising of the cerebral tissue that is caused by a back and forth motion of the head.
What is a cerebral Contussion?
Injury to the brain involves bruising of tissue along or beneath the surface of the brain.
Which is more serious concussion or contussion?
What would happen if you damaged your spinal cord at c5 or higher?
Quadraplegic-lega nd arm function lost
What would happen if you damaged your spinal cord at c6 and lower?
Paraplegic-upper extremities
What happens during a cord injury?
Failure of spinal nerve functioning with resulting loss of motor and sensory function.
Explain degenerative disk disorder?
With age the disks dry out resulting in shrinking closer together.
What are some symptoms of degenerative disk disorder?
Inflammation, edema, stenosis of the opening and spinal cord.