Equine Movement Terminology

The horse in movement

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Decreases the angle, to bend of flex the joint. Bringing parts of the body closer together
Increases the angle, to open or straighten the joint. Increasing the distance between the body parts
A sideways movement taking a body part away from the midline or median line
A sideways movement brings a body part towards the midline or median line
Lateral or external rotation
A movement that turns a limb on its axis as in twisting a limb away or outward from the body
Medial or internal rotation
A movement that turns a limb on its axis as in twisting the limb towards or inward to the body.
Neck Rotation
Swiveling the head by tipping the nose sideways & upwards
Lateral Neck Bending
Bending the head & neck side to side
Moving a body part so its end follows a circular path as in paddling or winging
Moving the limb forward longitudinally as the body propels forward
Moving the limb backward longitudinally as the body propels forward