Epizoo Final

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Foot and mouth disease
Picornavirus, Apthovirus - zoonoticTrans: secretion, excretion( milk, meat, bones, semen, urine) OIE
Vesicular stomatitis
Rhabdoviridae - Vesiculovirus - zoonoticTrans: saliva, fluid vesicles (arhtropods)Horse, cow, pig, small mammalsOIE
Enveloped DNA virus. Latent inf. of resp. reprod. nervous system. Intranuclear inclusion bodies1. Alpha - rapid spread-kills cells 2. Beta - slow spread - enlarged cells - cytomegalovirus 3. Gamma - B, T. cells
Alpha herpesvirus
BoHV1 - infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Canine HV1 Feline HV1 Porcine HV1 Aujeczky disease (pseudorabies) Gallid HV2 Mareks disease Herpes virus replicates in tonsils - viraemia - goes to organs with lower temp ( thats is why neonates are more succeptible)
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
BoHV1.1trans: Resp or genital secretion (semen) and conjuctivapyrexia, RED NOSE, cough, viraemia, abortionsfirst in epithelial cells of nasal mucosaN. trigeminus - latent until stress
Aujeszky disease
Alphaherpesvirus - pseudorabiesporcine - main host and shed virus. NOt zoonoticResp and CNS signs
  1. under 1 week - fever, CNS, dog sitting, anorexia -death
  2. 3-4 week - resp. signs , gravel voice(pharyngeal lesions), CNS
  3. 1-3 montsh - mild fever, anorexia, resp. signs, mild CNS - can recover
  4. Adults - anorexia, resp, sings, cough, nasal discharge, pneumonia, abortions, CNS RARE
Report If in carnivores - SEVER PRURITUS and other CNS signs, death in 48 hours. same for RUminants
Orthomyxovirus infections
Influenza A: human, eq, fowl....H5N1infl. B: human, sealsinfl. C: human , swine H1N1
Reovirus infections
  1. orthoreovirus-mammals and birds(synovitis, arthritis)
  2. orbivirus - ARTHROPOD SPREAD INF. blue tongue, african horse sickness
  3. Rotavirus - Diarrhoea in calves, lambs....
  4. Coltivirus-colorado tick fever
  5. Aquavirus
Minnisregla RACOO
Lyssavirus- ssRNA (Rhabdoviridae)Intracytoplasmic negri bodies - always lead to death
Poxvirus infections
Answer 10
DsDNA - characterized by acute course with fever and specific lesions on skin and MM.
  1. cowpox virus (milking cows + cats
  2. parapoxviridae - bovine popular stomatitis(infl. of mm), contagious ecthyma of sheep and goat, pseudopox milker nodules
  3. Capripoxvirus - sheep, goat pox- must notify - most important virus ,ZOONOSIS(mynd). Lumpy skin disease.
  4. Leporipoxvirus - myxomatosis
  5. Avipoxvirus
Adenovirus infections
  1. Infectious canine hepatitis - CAV-1. Direct or indirect. First lymph then parenchyma of kidney, liver. cause necrosis and haemorragis. also RT
  2. Bovine adenovirus - digestive + RT in calves. less severe than canine one, but 2nd bac. inf. can make it dangerous.
  3. Porcine adenovirus
  4. Equine adenovirus- mild respiratory, Arabian foals with immunodeficiency.
Answer 12
Papillomaviridae - papillomatosis virus Mostly cattle, can affect Eq. worldwide. 6 types but 1 and 2 most common.
  • skin warts, usually regress due to immune response. Inf. through damaged skin.
  • Affects keratinocytes and fibroblast causing bening papillomas, firbropapillomas.
vaccine BANNED IN EU also - canine papilloma virus - oral mucosa and lips
Swine vesicular disease
Piconravirus - enterovirus - ZoonoticTrans: saliva, rupture vesicle, feces, orofecal routeOIE
Vesicular exanthema of swine
Caliciviridae - calicivirus NOT ZOONOTICTrans: saliva, rupture vesicles, fecesonly in US - pigs feed undercooked fish (resevoir)
Coronavirus infections
  1. Transmissible gastroenteritis of swine virus - piglets - destruction of epithelial of small intestine. watery smelly diarrhea
  2. Feline infectious peritonitis virus - orofecal. Virus mutates and then able to replicate in Macrophages - systemic intracellular pathogen
  • Wet FIP - ascites, pleural effusion
  • Dry FIP - CNS, ocular, granuloma in peritoneum
  1. Canine corona virus - puppies - small intestine damage (not crypst)
  2. Avian infectious bronchitis virus -