English Literature Poem Analysis

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Sit Thomas Wyatt
Who so list to houte I know wehre is an hynde 1500s Petrarchan SonnetBy a man - for other men Women are objects
William Shakespeare
Sonnet 18 - Summer's Day (1564-1616)Immortalizes her beauty No definite description on beauty Personification of death & Nature. Sonnet 130 unflattering to the sensescliched blazon: a poet catalogue of a woman's admirable physical features
Duncan Campbell Scott
The Onondaga Maddona (1898)Petrarchan Sonnet Declining Race the new generation will be the saviour pathos alliteration when describing the native
Wilfred Owen
Anthem for Doomed Youth 1893-1918 (Very poor mom, poor dad forever)alliteration "rifles' rapid rattle"people are being killed by riffles, impersonal form of violence church reference doom negative fate war is a way to punish children.
Margaret Avison
Butterfly Bones or Sonnet against Sonnets 1960Put Jane Sonnets Metaphysical poetry - a kind of poetry that focuses on something figuratively to discuss something elserecquire skill Both contained a sonnet and the beauty of a butterfly in a jar game for boys
John Milton
On shakespeare 1632 John (canta)mal nunce Monuments & pyramids tomb legacy why did he write it? - advantce his career by creating a link between himself and shakespearedoes not comment much on his poetry
Mathew Arnold
Shakespeare1800sPotrays him Godlike emphasizes that he is self-accomplished self-made man (middle class man)does not reference what he does comparison to Jesus Industrial revolution self made
Archibal Macleish
Ars Poetica 1926Puberty never goesshould not mean but be aesthetic - philosophical investigation into the nature of beauty and the perception of beauty especially the arts; the theory of art, or of artistic tastesOne Image per line Repetition of silence, mute, dumb wordless Man looks the same all the time Subjective perspective- a poem should be like a photograph Tell you what to do but contradicts what it preaches
John Keats
Ode to a grecian urn 1820 f never sab lots of adjectives- long completation them of evaluation rural imagery sublime powerful feelings are portrayed deep thought ode about feelings high style imagery ekphrasis- an extended and detailed literary description of any object real or imaginary"beauty is truth, truth is beauty"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Kubla Klan Forevery today girl 1816- not very formal poem iambic tetrametre sublime - a mix of awe and terror at the same time. talk about nature absurd landscape fountain reprsents creativity life words have power and create things with poetry first part description and second is argument argument: poet and society - society and poets should be separated
Edgar Allen Poe
The City in the Sea 1831 Rhyming couplets Death looks down as if it were a gigantic Personification of Death Everyone is dead a Sense of Sublime nothing is happening Time will end - even the dead will run out of tiem HELL will praise this place
William Blake
The chimney Sweeper can lee go favours numb carol 1757 1827social issues rhyming scheme couplet quatrain stanzes iambic metreangel liberation, child being soldthe children don't live, are in a coffin hope in childrensituation of despair only an innocent creature would find hope in this type of situation PATHOS social argument tthe chimney-sweeper Can lee go favours numb carol 1757 1827quatrain stanzasblack in the snow-contrastunderstands his own misery not innocent cynical as a result contrast between innocence vs experience
A.D. Hope
Parabola 1971 Long Analogy Sleeping beauty metaphorlast stanza is ambiguous sexist creation of life
Christina rosseti
Goblin Market 1800smorale- sisters are the best feminist sexual agensy female body comodity redemption
William Wordsworth
1800Picturesquerythm of naturally spoken english countryside discusses the landscape comparing the past and the present and how he changes as a person though nature is ultimately unchanging romantic