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Absolute Monarchy
When a King/Queen rules with total control and without a constitution.
Divine Right of Kings
The belief that a monarch has the God given right to rule absolutely.
Court of Star Chamber
The secret and illegal court that Charles I used to try and imprison his enemies.
Constitutional Monarchy
A style of government where the Monarch is the head of state, but their powers are limited by a Constitution.
Elected politicians who use a Constitution to govern and allocate funds for government spending on behalf of the people.
Oliver Cromwell
General who led the Puritans to victory and eventually declared himself England's "Lord Protector"
The strict religious group that held key positions in Parliament and opposed the Monarchy's methods of ruling.
Magna Carta
Document King John was forced to sign that limited the King's powers.
Rump Parliament
The Puritan remaining members of parliament after Col. Pride chased out members who did not support their cause of creating a Republic.
Duke of Buckingham
Friend of Charles I that was executed by the Puritans.
James I
First of the Stuart Kings from Scotland that tried to rule with absolute power.
The list of rules and laws that outline how a government will govern and tax.
Individuals that supported the Monarchy during the Civil War.
The Restoration
Period after the rule of Cromwell when Charles II and the monarchy are restored to govern as a Constitutional Monarchy.
The Glorious Revolution
The period when the English peacefully overthrow the monarchy of James II and ask William & Mary to rule under Parliament and the Constitution.