English 1101 Test 1

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Air-tight; reason and logical analysis
Flawed; deductively invalid; can listen and see mistakes
Listening, supporting, finding your argument point
Trying to get someone to think the way you do
Rogerian Method
"common ground" identify beliefs, ideas, and arguments in common
Toulmin Method
Analyzing text we read with an eye toward responding to that argument
Hasty generalizations
Conclusions drawn based on faulty, biased or insufficient evidence
Ad populem
(to the people) emotion appeal to something positive rather than the real issue
Ad hominem
(to the man) attacking a person's character rather than focusing on their qualifications, credentials
Either / or
(false dilemma) two choices are given to solve a problem when other options be avaiable thereby cause a false dilemma
Moral Equivalence
Campares a minor misdeed with major attrocities
Red Herring
Diversionary tactics to get people distracted from the real issue
Straw Man
Oversimplifies the opponents view point then attacks the hollow argument
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
(because A then B) B follows A; A caused B
Appeal to Authority
Not an expert, experts disagree, Authority was not serious