English 1101 Test 1

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15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Logical fallacies
Flaw in reasoning
Deductive Fallacies
Water-tight-true premises= true conclusion
Inductive Fallacies
Not water tight-true premises = false conclusion
Ad populem
(to the people) - emotional appeal that speaks to positive or negative concepts rather than the real issue.
Ad hominem
Attack on a person's character rather than focusing on the person's qualifications and/or credentials.
Red herring
Diversity tactic that avoids key issues by avoiding opposing arguments rather than addressing them.
Moral Equivalence
Compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities.
Oversimplifies an opponents viewpoint then attacks that hollow argument.
Gives a person only two choices thus causing a false dilemma.
Hasty generalization
Conclusion is based on faulty, biased, or insufficient evidence.
Post Hoc ergo propler
(before this therefore because of this)A happened before B, therefore A caused B.
Appeal to authority
Not expert in the fieldexperts don't agree
Slippery slope
A series of increasingly unacceptable consenquence is drawn.
Circular Definition
Includes the term being defined in the definition.
A proposition is argued to be true because it ts widely held to be true.