
31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

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What is the top reading of the blood pressure called?
What is the bottom reading of the blood pressure called
Question 3
What does Ventricular Fibrulation look like on an ECG Report
Answer 3
What does a Junctional Rythm look like?
Answer 4
What does a 2nd degree AV block look like
Answer 5
What does a sinus bradycardia ECG reading look like
Answer 6
What does a 3rd degree complete block on a ECG report look like
Answer 7
What does diaphoretic mean
Producing perspiration
What is a normal adult blood pressure reading
What does the acronym SAMPLE stand for
S: Symptoms
A: Allergies
M: Medicine taken
P: Past history of similar events
L: Last meal
E: Events leading up to illness or injury
What does the acronym PQRST stand for
P: Provocation/Position - what brought symptoms on, where is pain located.
Q: Quality - sharp, dull, crushing etc...
R: Radiation - does pain travel
S: Severity/Symptoms Associated with - on scale of 1 to 10, what other symptoms occur
T: Timing/Triggers - occasional, constant, intermittent, only when I do this. (activities, food)
What does a normal ECG look like
Answer 12
What does an ECG report look like on a patient with atrial fibrillation
Answer 13
What does a sinus arythmia look like on an ECG report
Answer 14
What does a normal sinus rhythm look like on an ECG report
Answer 15