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What is the normal band pattern for hgb?
A heavy band of A1 and a faint band of A2
What is the pattern of sickle cell trait on the cellulose acetate?
A band of A1, and a band of S with more A1 than S
What is the pattern of a sickle cell anemia on cellulose acetate?
Almost entirely Hb S with possibly a tiny amt of Hb F no A1
What is the pattern of a thal. minor on cellulose acetate?
HbA1, inc in HB A2 above 4%, sl. inc in Hb F
What is the attern for sickle cell Hb C disease?
Equal amts of Hb S and C
What is the patern for Hb S-beta thal. on cellulose acetate?
Hb A1, F, S with inc HbA2 more S than A1 may be indistinguishable from sickle cell anemia
What is the pattern for HbC- beta thal?
More hb C than A1 with variable amts of f. sometimes no A1 identical to hb C disease
What is the pattern for Hb C disease?
Hb C and varying amts of F, no A1
What is the pattern for thal major?
Up to 98% Hb F variable A1 HbA2 is normal
What are conditions assoc with elevated fetal hemobglobin?
Anemia of early onset, pernicious anemia, PNH, sideroblastic anemia, eythroleukemia, Fanconi's, aplastic anemia, myelofibross, post irradiaton fibrosis of bone marrow, malignancies involving marrow, hgbopathies, hereditary persistence of fetal hgb, chromosomal abnormalities, Hb F syndrome with low Hb A2 and carbonic anyhydrase deficiency, bronchial asthma, familial Hb F elevation
What are the 2 types of hgb electrophoresis?
Alk. cellulose acetate, acid citrate agar
What does cellulose acetate separate?
A1 F, S, C(A2)can't separate C and A2
How is cellulose acetate electrophoresis interpreted?
By comparing of A1, F, S, C and A1, F, S, A2 ctls
What hgbs migrate at the same rate with alk. electrophoresis?
Hgb S, D, G, Lhgb C, E, A2 and O
What are the components of hgb?
2 pairs of globin chains and 2 heme chains - all have 1 pair of alpha globin chains