EKG Anatomy and Electrophysiology of the Heart - 1

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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The electrocardiogram measures?
The heart's electrical activity
The electrocardiograph can do all of the following except?
Determine perfusion status of the patient
When an electrical impulse in the heart moves toward a positive electrode, the EKG waveform takes negative deflection.
The heart acts as the _____ of the circulatory system.
The heart lies?
On the diaphragm in front of the trachea, esophagus, and thoracic vertebrae
Which of the following statements regarding the pericardium is accurate?
The pericardial cavity hold a small amount of clear lubrication fluid
The myocardium is?
The thickest of the three layers of the heart
The upper chambers of the heart are called the?
Functions of the skeleton of the heart include?
Allowing the top and bottom parts of the heart to act as separate pumps
The working cells of the heart initiate and carry impulses throughout the heart?
Automaticity, a property of the heart, is the ability to?
Produce an electrical impulse without the need for outside nerve stimulation
Depolarization occurs when?
There is rapid influx of positively charged ions from outside to inside the cell
_____ stimulate muscle cells to contract.
Nerve impulses
The electrical impulse that normally initiates the heartbeat arises from the?
SA node
The impulse traveling through the HIS-Purkinje system generates a _____ on the EKG.
QRS complex